Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Chapter 1: Putting the Pieces Together

Captain's Log -
I am a shipless seaman, a first mate with no captain, I feel like I am still lost at sea.  I am homeless, near-penniless and have no idea how to survive in such a foreign place.

After a long night and little sleep on the very shores I'd washed up on, I decided I couldn't put off the inevitable;  I needed to find where I was and how to get home.  Ach, home: sweet Acacia.  Will I ever see it again?

A burning in the pit of my belly made me realize that I was starving.  So I ran to the nearest place that promised people and food.

 I found a man who called himself Rahul Patel and he told me that I was in Barnacle Bay.  Which is ironic, because Barnacle Bay is a small island, really.  Nonetheless, the Fates had been kind to me to deliver me to safety on the remote and quiet shore of Barnacle Bay.  When I asked about where to find a job, Rahul told me that if I headed to city hall I could apply for citizenship and be granted an opportunity for a job.
This was a good start:  If I land a job, save some money, then I could afford passage to Acacia.  Better yet, maybe I could find a local ship and be taken on as crew.  Excitement started to was over me, I mentioned this to Rahul but he waved me off.
"We have no shipyard that you could apply to.  Your luck rests with city hall."
My hopes were dashed like a ship on the rocks.
I sighed heavily, thanked the man and headed on my way.
Before heading to city hall, I stopped by to grab a quick drink of ale.  It turned out to be some fruit concoction completely void of spirits - I miss ale.

Once I visited city hall, i realized it was easier than it could have been.  I had filled out the necessary paperwork and waited in line and in exchange for my time I was given an official permit that allowed me to seek a job.

 I applied at the local enforcement office after getting a tip from a city hall worker that they were hiring.  To my amazement, after taking a physical endurance test and firearms target practice, they hired me.
As a pirate and first mate, it is my duty to be a sharpshooter and handy with a sword.  I am glad to have found a job where I utilize my capibilities.  The pay is better than I received as a pirate as well . . . This is something to think on.

Nonetheless, things are promising.  Now I have to find a place to live.  This will prove interesting considering that I have no money.

I will fight this battle tomorrow.  For now, I'm going to find food and a place to sleep for tonight.

~Tom Calico
First Mate

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